Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Wonder Animals.

Recently, while having supper at a restaurant, I was given a dinner roll. While picking it apart, it reminded me of sculptural clay. I began sculpting this dough because I would not eat it and I knew it would be thrown out. I was doing my part to recycle this material, and use it for a good cause: Art.

I sculpted a kangaroo. Then, I had a revelation…

I am aiming for hundreds, if not thousands of small animal sculptures for this exhibition project. This project is in its infancy. I have only begun the sculptures. This project will be ready for exhibition in the spring of 02009.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Mathieu: The platypus has an obvious enriched personality, no doubt benefitting from the type of bread used in the making. If you go to Croque Soleil whole grain bread in often served in a basket. Then you might introduce grain - fed calves (poor things),
    chickens or birds.
    I think the idea is great and like the mention of the Restaurant plus the details of the bread.
    Continue and prepare for your first encounter with bread sticks.
    Chow..............................Nancy S.


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